Physics Front

Better Analytics, Better Learning

Research News, Notes

PF presented its research results on MC-BKT (Monte-Carlo Bayesian Knowledge Tracing) and clustering analysis in the 5th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge conference in 2015. The proceedings have been published here. Feel free to contact us, if you like to learn more about our papers.

PF’s notes on BKT and Entropy may be of interest to you, if you are the type of person who likes to get down to basics and fundamentals.

PF finds that the emerging notion of “Physical Analytics” proposed by some researchers (for example, see here) is something worth paying attention to: PF believes, like these researchers, that, reliance on theory or modeling will become increasingly more important in data analytics.

Keep an eye on this page for our research results coming out of the current 2016 STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) grant by the NSF (National Science Foundation).